
Bethel has adopted the
stretch of Rt 272 between
Irishtown Road &
Hance Point Road

With over 30 years of experience working with state agencies, Adopt A Highway Maintenance Corporation® has seen first-hand the pressures to do more with less. With many important highway and right-of-way maintenance duties, DOT resources are spread thin. Since 1990, Adopt A Highway Maintenance Corporation® has helped the DOT and other government agencies offset the costs of roadside litter-removal and beautification with the Adopt A Highway® and Sponsor A Highway® Programs. Today, our Adopt A Highway® and Sponsor A Highway® signs can be found on roads throughout the United States. With their wide range of sponsors, from fortune 500 companies to local businesses, it’s safe to say Adopt A Highway Maintenance Corporation® is the industry leader in highway sponsorship programs.